Hardware Products
Platforms designed to deliver maximum performance and broad connectivity
Minimize development times and get to market faster with VYUsync’s hardware offerings. Let our cards and modules abstract the video decoding process to a black box function so you can focus on higher level system functions.
Connector card for Myrmidon with 5 In or Out configurable ASI / 12G-SDI connectors, 1 Genlock In, 1 Gigabit Ethernet interface and provision for audio decoding.
Compact form factor card with Xilinx Kintex-7 FPGA optimized for single channel HD decoding.
FMC card with 8 ASI / 6G-SDI ports each of which can be configured as In or Out, 1 Genlock In, 1 Genlock Out and 1 Gigabit Ethernet interface.
FMC card 4 ASI/6G-SDI In, 4 ASI / 6G-SDI Out, 1 Genlock In and 1 Genlock out compatible with a host of Xilinx evaluation platforms.
FMC card with 2 ASI In, 2 ASI Out, 2 SDI In, 2 SDI Out and 1 HDMI output compatible with the Xilinx ML605 platform.
Card with two parallel male FMC connectors used to connect two Nimbus cards together to enable inter FPGA data transfer.
Card with two orthogonal male FMC connectors used to connect Ceres cards to Nimbus cards. Opposite chirality of Jadukata.
Card with two orthogonal male FMC connectors used to connect Ceres cards to Nimbus cards. Opposite chirality of Saraighat.